Healing in Haiti

Discover the harrowing story of one little boy…and learn how Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, is providing free medical care in Haiti.

Hand of Hope
2 min read
Healing in Haiti

Providing Free Medical Care to Those Who Need It Most

Madamn Ellene tried not to panic, but she didn’t know what to do. While playing at the neighbor’s hut, her two-year-old son Watson got too close to a pot of boiling water and accidentally fell in. In an instant, his entire right arm was badly burned.

With her baby screaming in pain, Madamn Ellene rushed him to the nearest hospital, but she heard what so many others from her village in Haiti had heard before: “Without money, we cannot treat you.”

Turned away by the hospital, she hurried home and began applying a mixture of charcoal, mud and leaves to Watson’s burns. But within hours, his little arm became infected, and the pain only grew worse. That’s when someone told her about the Jesus Healing Center, a facility that offers free medical care for those who are unable to pay.

Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions partnered with Love a Child to open this clinic in 2009. Equipped with emergency care, dental clinic, gynecology lab and pharmacy, the medical staff provides lifesaving treatment for more than 200 people a day.

When Madamn Ellene showed up at the front doors of the clinic with Watson in her arms, Dr. Barthelemy and his staff rushed them in and immediately began to treat his injuries. First, they had to scrub and remove the charcoal that became imbedded in his arm. Then, the doctor treated and bandaged the wounds properly and supplied the necessary antibiotics to aid the healing process.

That day, the staff at the clinic was also able to share the message of Jesus with Madamn Ellene, letting her know just how deeply He loves and cares for her. Overwhelmed by the support, she thanked the doctors and staff over and over again.

Each and every day, the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries are helping thousands of people just like Watson receive the medical help they need. From our clinics in Haiti, Cambodia, East Africa and El Salvador…to the many short-term medical and dental outreaches we conduct around the world each year.

Together, we are bringing healing and relief to families around the world…and showing them what God is really like.


Are you looking for an opportunity to serve on a short-term medical/dental outreach? Visit joycemeyer.org/MedicalMissions to check out our upcoming trips!

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