Hand of Hope in Rwanda

Hand of Hope
2 min read

Population: 12,337,138 - ranks 73rd worldwide 
Literacy: 64% 
Official Language: French, English and Kinyarwanda
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 26,338 sq. km. A fertile, mountainous country.

Book Translation

10 of Joyce’s books have been translated in the Kinyarwanda language. Over 255,000 copies have been distributed through outreaches.   

Feeding Programs

Previously, Hand of Hope served hundreds of thousands of meals yearly through our feeding programs in Rwanda.

International Conferences
  • 2008: Joyce Meyer Ministries held a conference in Kigali, with over 6,000 in attendance.
  • 2006: Joyce Meyer Ministries held a conference in conjunction with Hope Rwanda; ministering to over 66,000 people over the three day period.


In partnership with Hope RwandaHand of Hope helped support various outreaches. We also built 4 houses for widows and helped support other humanitarian aid, and launched a feeding program in Kigali, feeding 570 children per day.

Prison Ministry

2006:  Prison teams visited 16 prison, distributed hygiene gifts bags, each including one of Joyce’s books to over 71,000 inmates.  This was the first time an outreach of this magnitude for inmates took place in Rwanda.

Television and Radio

Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life radio programs are available in English, KiSwahali and French in most areas across the country, and previously aired on television.

Water Relief

Through our Water Relief program, Hand of Hope has helped dig a well to provide fresh drinking water.