Hand of Hope in Nigeria

Hand of Hope
1 min read
Population: 177,155,754 - ranks 7th worldwide 
Literacy: 69.69% 
Official Language: English and Hausa
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 923,768 sq. km. Mangrove and tropical rain forests; savannah and grasslands.
Book Translation

58,000 of Joyce's books in the Hausa, Bini Edo, Efik Igbo and Yoruba languages have been distributed in Nigeria. 

Foreign Office

Joyce Meyer Ministries has a field office that services Nigeria.  

Television and Radio

Joyce's Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in English, Hausa, and Igbo. The program was previously aired in Kiswahili, Yoruba, and French in select area across the country.

Water Relief

Through our Water Relief program, Hand of Hope has provided fresh drinking water to villages with over 5 wells.