Providing Hope in the Wake of Crisis

Hand of Hope Brings Crisis Relief at a Moment’s Notice

Hand of Hope
2 min read

In the blink of an eye, everything can change. A natural disaster, war, and other tragic events can destroy homes, displace families, and even take people’s lives. In those moments, survivors are often left with only the clothes on their backs and no idea of where to turn for assistance.

That’s why Hand of Hope joins with relief organizations worldwide to take immediate action—whether it’s in response to a tornado, hurricane, fire, flood, or earthquake…or reaching out to families who have been displaced due to war or political unrest.

Thanks to our friends and partners, we are able provide tangible assistance like food, emergency supplies, shelter, medical care, hygiene items, cleanup and rebuilding services…along with Bibles, Joyce’s books and the hope of Christ to make a real difference for eternity.

Watching news footage from a safe distance, it’s hard to know the extent of the damage…and what a natural disaster or war really does to people. When their family home goes up in flames…or flood waters rush in…or loved ones can’t be located after an earthquake, that’s when help means the most. And because of you, we are able to be there at a moment’s notice and help pick up the pieces.

To date, more than $24 million has been distributed for these efforts worldwide, and it’s only possible through your generous support and prayers.