Will God Show Up to Help Me? @tag1>
Trusting God's Power in the Midst of Challenges for Daily Peace @tag2>
Joyce Meyer
3 min read

Can you be in God's will and be miserable?
Well, yes. But you can also be in tremendous peace.
For people who are saying, "I'm in a tough situation right now because I believe it's where God wants me, but I'm miserable, frustrated and unhappy," there's good news.
When God asks us to stay in a difficult situation, He provides a special grace for us to get through it. It's the kind of grace that leads others to look at us and think: Wow! I can't believe they're dealing with this and still have such peace! That's faith.
When we say things like, "I just don't think I can make it," we're essentially giving up, when we could just as easily trust God to help and sustain us.
Learning to trust God for His grace on a daily basis will help you keep your thoughts and words in line with His Word.
I like to define grace as God's power to help us do whatever we need to do.
Grace is power. And it all comes to us through faith, which God also gives us. In fact, Romans 12:3 warns us not to think too highly of ourselves, because God is the one who gives us our faith.
You need to ask yourself: What am I doing with my faith?
Are you trying to change things that you have no ability to change? Are you trying to get yourself promoted instead of just doing your best to please God? If so, you're probably burning out because you're focusing on works.
When we simply do what God asks us to do, His grace flows through.
Every time I became frustrated, the signs helped me to remember God was with me.
One thing I learned is that His grace isn't just for last minute miracles. God doesn't just throw you a Hail Mary pass at the last minute when you're all worn out and ready to give up, and then say, "Okay, now go make the touchdown."
God's grace is something on which you can constantly rely.
Galatians 5:16 tells us to …walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit…then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (AMPC).
Notice how it doesn't say "conquer the flesh so you can walk in the Spirit."
When we concentrate on the Spirit, we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh because we will be focused on our relationship with God and His love for us.
The same way we receive Christ is the same way we are supposed to live each day of our life—in total, complete dependence on Him.
Your circumstances don't have to control you, because you have the power of God's grace in your life. And it's available to you in whatever amount you need, right now.
Well, yes. But you can also be in tremendous peace.
For people who are saying, "I'm in a tough situation right now because I believe it's where God wants me, but I'm miserable, frustrated and unhappy," there's good news.
When God asks us to stay in a difficult situation, He provides a special grace for us to get through it. It's the kind of grace that leads others to look at us and think: Wow! I can't believe they're dealing with this and still have such peace! That's faith.
When we say things like, "I just don't think I can make it," we're essentially giving up, when we could just as easily trust God to help and sustain us.
Learning to trust God for His grace on a daily basis will help you keep your thoughts and words in line with His Word.
What Trusting God Can Do for You
I've heard grace defined as God's riches at Christ's expense, and that's a good definition. But to be honest, it's just a little bit too spiritual for me.I like to define grace as God's power to help us do whatever we need to do.
Grace is power. And it all comes to us through faith, which God also gives us. In fact, Romans 12:3 warns us not to think too highly of ourselves, because God is the one who gives us our faith.
You need to ask yourself: What am I doing with my faith?
Are you trying to change things that you have no ability to change? Are you trying to get yourself promoted instead of just doing your best to please God? If so, you're probably burning out because you're focusing on works.
When we simply do what God asks us to do, His grace flows through.
Faith Isn't Just for the Finish Line
To learn how to trust God for His grace, I used to put up signs around my house that said things like, "Works of the flesh equal frustration."Every time I became frustrated, the signs helped me to remember God was with me.
One thing I learned is that His grace isn't just for last minute miracles. God doesn't just throw you a Hail Mary pass at the last minute when you're all worn out and ready to give up, and then say, "Okay, now go make the touchdown."
God's grace is something on which you can constantly rely.
How to Have Peace in the Now
Because grace is available to you right now, there's no reason to struggle with your circumstances, trying to figure them out—or even fight your way out.Galatians 5:16 tells us to …walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit…then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (AMPC).
Notice how it doesn't say "conquer the flesh so you can walk in the Spirit."
When we concentrate on the Spirit, we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh because we will be focused on our relationship with God and His love for us.
The same way we receive Christ is the same way we are supposed to live each day of our life—in total, complete dependence on Him.
Your circumstances don't have to control you, because you have the power of God's grace in your life. And it's available to you in whatever amount you need, right now.