The Truth About Hope

Embracing God's Love and Promise of Restoration

Joyce Meyer
The Truth About Hope

We all get hurt and go through hard times. And sometimes we find ourselves in desperate situations, wondering if we can keep going or make it through. But I want you to know that no matter how deep your pain is or what you’ve been through, there is hope!

And if you’re reading this and you’ve been thinking about suicide, you need to know that God loves you, He sees you, He understands your pain, and He has something special for you to do. You do matter and the world is a better place because you’re here.

The truth is as overwhelming as life may feel right now, God can and will help you through your struggle. And if your heart is broken because a loved one took their own life, that same message is true for you.

Hope is a central theme in the Bible. It’s the reason Jesus gave His life for us, and it’s the key to going through hard times and never giving up. Jesus says in John 16:33, …In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world… (AMP).

God doesn’t promise we will never have pain, but He does assure us that in the midst of trouble and suffering, we can remain stable in His peace and have confidence that life can be good again. This truth gives us every reason to have hope for the future no matter how deep our hurt goes, or what our issue or circumstances may be.

Hope in Christ is powerful because it’s a confident belief and expectation that something good is going to happen. It strengthens your faith in God’s love for you and His goodness. You know that in the worst kind of tragedy…the worst kind of pain, Jesus can redeem and heal your hurt and brokenness, and something good will happen again.

If you’re contemplating suicide or suffering with the pain of loss or despair that’s destroyed your hope, we’re here for you. Right now, you can reach out for help by visiting You’ll find phone numbers to call for support, a free download of Overcoming Depression, and you can share your prayer request so we can believe with you for God’s love and healing to restore your soul.

The truth is, you’re not alone in this struggle! God loves you more than you can ever know, and He’s always with you. We love you, too.

Don’t believe the lies of suicide that say you’re…

  • Unlovable.
  • Unworthy.
  • Unnecessary.
  • Impossible.
  • Hopeless…

Embrace the TRUTH of the Gospel of Christ.


  • Loved.
  • Valuable.
  • Needed.
  • Wanted.
  • Hopeful!

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