That Miracle Moment

The Impact of Your Partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries

Joyce Meyer Ministries
3 min read

Sharing the Gospel and Changing the World…One Life at a Time

Imagine you are sitting in your living room, totally exhausted from life. You’ve recently lost your job, the bills are piling up, and the world seems to be slowly closing in around you. And because of the choices you’ve made in your past, you are utterly alone. Alone and lost in your own thoughts.

What’s the point of all this? Why do things just get harder and harder? You feel like your life is suffocating you right there on the couch.

You can’t put your finger on it, but there is an aching hole in your heart. You have tried so many different things to fill the void, yet nothing seems to work. No amount of alcohol, work, food or even relationships has ever come close to making you feel whole.

So, another night has arrived…

And you are left sitting with your sadly dependable friends, Pain and Loneliness.

But something stops you in your tracks. Frozen, you look up at your TV as a woman with a very distinct voice says, “You, right there in your house—God loves YOU and He has an amazing plan for your life!”

Tears stream down your face as you are gripped by the notion that someone loves you. You? But how could they? If they only knew the terrible choices you have made. But you can’t shake it. You are overwhelmed with a feeling of completeness and peace that you’ve never known before.

God loves you.

This amazing story of hope and redemption is true!

And you made it possible. But how? You weren’t in the room, you weren’t the woman on TV. But you are part of a family of people who God is using to do big things around the world. A family who is locking arms together and bringing hope to the hopeless and love to the unloved.

You are a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Through your partnership, Joyce’s teachings of the life-changing message of the Gospel are able to be broadcast around the world. Thousands have had miraculous encounters with Jesus in their own living rooms…at just the right moment.

Your faithful prayers and your crazy amazing generosity catapults the Gospel into homes and huts around the world. From the bustling cities of New York, to the remote villages in Zambia, you are getting Jesus into people’s homes…and more importantly, their hearts.

Crystal Ramsay is the perfect example…

Depressed and overwhelmed, Crystal planned to take her life. While she waited for her husband to fall asleep, she flipped through the channels on TV. Somehow, she lost the remote control and it got stuck on Joyce’s program.

At that moment, Joyce said, “Don’t give up! God loves you!” and continued to encourage viewers about His good plan for their lives. Crystal wrote to tell us that God used that program to literally save her life and give her hope for her future.

So, thank you! Thank you for being there and showing up—for Crystal and millions of others all around the world. You, the Joyce Meyer Ministries family, are doing exactly what Jesus called us to in Mark 16:15:

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (NKJV).

You are changing the world, sharing the Gospel and reaching those in need.

You are family.

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