My Prayer for Love and Unity @tag1>
I’ve learned from the Word of God @tag2>

I have been crying out to God for unity. My heart is broken by the tragic, senseless deaths of black Americans and the state of our nation. God created us all in His image – equal and unconditionally loved. We must work diligently to love and value one another in this same way. And we must speak out against injustice.
Because of the abuse in my childhood, the poison that is anger, bitterness and hatred nearly destroyed my own life, and I have learned that the love of Jesus is the only antidote. I am praying for our nation and all of her people: for healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice. God wants better for us all.
I’ve learned from the Word of God and my own experiences in life that we never overcome evil with evil. The Bible says that we overcome evil with good. Love conquers all!
Love, Joyce