How to Make the Most of Your Trials

God Is with You through It All

Joyce Meyer
4 min read
How to Make the Most of Your Trials

We usually don’t get excited about going through difficult times. When trouble comes, it’s easy to have an attitude that says, “Why is this happening?” or “This shouldn’t be happening to me!”

However, when we truly understand the value of trials, we can learn to go through them with joy. The Bible actually tells us that trials are good for us.

James 1:2-3 (AMPC) says, Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.

When things get tough, our first reaction is to want to run from the pain. We look for ways to minimize our problems and the things that bother us. However, trials can do amazing things for us if we choose to not run away! They have the ability to develop patience and perseverance.

The Greek Dictionary says patience is a fruit of the Spirit that grows only under trial. In fact, the word patience comes from the root word hupone, which means “to remain under.”

Patience has to do with being steadfast, disciplined and committed—not running from difficult things, but sticking with them all the way through.

For instance, I’ll never forget the church my husband, Dave, and I attended in the early years of our marriage. There came a time when I desired to teach a church Bible study in my home. However, for whatever reason, the leadership didn’t want me to.

My first impulse was to say, “I’m out of here!” and run from the situation. But I knew in my heart that God not only wanted us to stay, He wanted me to maintain a good attitude regardless of how uncomfortable it was.

God wanted me to “remain under” and grow right where He put me!

You see, patience is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. As you stick with God and allow Him to help, and strengthen you in the midst of your difficult circumstances, you will continue to grow stronger...and eventually find that the things that used to bother you aren’t so difficult anymore.

Trials Help Us to Change

Trials and suffering don’t originate from God, but He will use them to help us develop our faith and grow up spiritually. Sometimes He allows us to get into some uncomfortable situations because He knows it will eventually bring out the best in us.

Trials often cause us to see things about ourselves that we normally wouldn’t see. They force us to change and address the issues in our lives.

For years, I blamed my problems on everyone else. It was always Dave’s fault because he played too much golf; it was the kids’ fault because they didn’t help me enough around the house; or it was my dad’s fault because he abused me.

It wasn’t unusual for our house to be filled with strife and contention. I often say that I got along with everyone just fine...until they came home.

Thankfully, the Lord used my circumstances to help me understand that I was the reason for much of the turmoil in my life. However, before I saw the problem, I couldn’t make any progress!

God has a tremendous plan for each of our lives, and He wants to greatly bless us. However, He can’t bless our circumstances beyond the level of our maturity spiritually.

For example, I prayed for years for my ministry to grow. But if God would have given me everything I wanted before I was spiritually mature enough, it would have only hurt me. It may sound strange, but now I am so grateful for the hard times because they’ve helped bring me to where I am today.

When you feel like things aren’t happening the way you want, when you want, I encourage you to trust God’s perfect timing. He knows what you can handle, and He always has your very best interest in mind.

God Is with You through It All

Are you going through something difficult today? Is there a trial that threatens to overwhelm you? If so, I want you to meditate on Isaiah 41:10 (AMPC).

God says, Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you....

The good news is that Jesus is with you through every trial, and you are going to come out stronger on the other side.

Remember, what you’re going through now isn’t going to last forever. When I’m going through a hard time, I like to remind myself, “This too shall pass.”

In the meantime, you can choose to place your trust in God and allow Him to give you joy in the midst of what you’re going through.