Hang in There…Help Is on the Way! @tag1>
Every Problem Matters to God @tag2>

The Bible repeatedly tells us that God is our helper. So can we really trust God to help us? Yes, we really can!
It’s easy to agree with that right away, and there are a lot of things we mentally assent to―but when it comes to practically applying them in our everyday life, we can’t seem to find a way to do it.
The truth is if we really believe God is our helper and that He’s willing to help us no matter what situation we’re in, then we have no reason to worry or get overwhelmed.
I’ll let you in on secret: You need to ask God for help because the Holy Spirit is not the type to barge into your life and take over.
Have you ever had someone try to push their opinions or their agenda on you? That’s not what the Holy Spirit does.
The Holy Spirit knows the answer to every problem, and He will help you through each one. But He won’t give you His advice unless you ask for it. In other words, the humble get the help.
Every Problem Matters to God
God is not holding out on you. Jesus said in John 15:5 (NIV), “Apart from me you can do nothing.” And that’s so true. God is not holding out on you; He actually likes it when we ask for His help.
God not only wants to help us with our big problems, but He also wants to help us with the little things in life. And that’s wonderful news because sometimes we allow the little things to get us frustrated and upset.
In the Psalms, we frequently see King David going to God for help. (See Psalm 40:13.) Notice that David was not only bold enough to ask God for help, but he was also confident that God would answer his prayers. We should learn from that!
In Psalm 43:5 (AMPC), David says, “Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my [sad] countenance, and my God.”
You and I have so many opportunities to feel sad or discouraged and have a bad attitude, but God wants us to stay strong in Him like David did. Those who do will eventually come out on top, because there’s no way the enemy can hold you back if you will trust God and keep your hope in Him.
Learn How to Trust Your Helper
Not only will God deliver you, but He will also sustain you while you’re waiting for your breakthrough. He keeps us strong while we’re waiting and keeps us from going under (see Isaiah 41:10).
Even when we’re tempted to think, It’s not going to do me any good to pray after the way I’ve acted, we can’t let that stop us from asking for God’s help. Why is that? Because when we go to the Father in prayer, we don’t go in our name…we go in the name of Jesus.
When you’re hurting, in trouble, or waiting for answers in your life, you need to believe that your help has been sent out from heaven and it is on the way. God may not come early, but He won’t be late.
No matter what your circumstances look like or what the world may say, hang in there. Because help is on the way!