Do You Feel Rejected? @tag1>
Overcoming Fear of Rejection and Accepting God's Unconditional Love @tag2>

As I was preparing for one of my conferences, the Lord spoke to my heart and gave me an important message to share about rejection.
I want to share it with you...
The Lord said: "So many are in prison because they won't accept themselves. So many are so gifted and talented, but they won't express themselves because they fear rejection. They fear man. They fear what people will think.
“I want to love My people, but they hold Me at arms length and won't let Me really love them because they have been hurt by others. They fear I will reject them because of their weaknesses, like people have. But I will never reject them.
"Tell them I love them. Ask them to stop trying so hard to be acceptable to Me and to realize I accept them where they are. Tell them I don't want perfect performance from them. I want them to love Me and to let Me love them."
What’s a “perfect heart”?
A lot of people think God won't use them until every area of their life is perfected. However, God looks for a “perfect heart” and not a perfect performance.
What does this mean? Well, we will never be perfect until we get to heaven, but because Jesus came to die for our sins, He chooses to view us as perfect, even while we’re still in the process of growing and maturing.
You see, it’s possible to not be perfect but still have “a perfect heart.”
If our heart is perfect, this means we’re doing the best we can to do what God’s Word says and not willfully sin. But when we do sin (because we’re not perfect), we come before God, repent and ask for His forgiveness.
This doesn't mean that we should have a loose attitude and not desire to live a holy life. A person whose heart is perfect toward God is always going to earnestly and zealously desire to please God in all things.
Hebrews 4:15 teaches us, For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Verse 16 then encourages us to draw near to God's throne and receive mercy for our failures and to go ahead and get grace to help us in our time of need.
This is one of God's ways of saying He won't reject you because of your weaknesses or mistakes.
God accepts you!
Most of us have grown up on a "merry-go-round" of trying to please people so they won't reject us. We all have an inbred need to be loved. People usually love you based on your performance...
If you do what they want you to do, they accept you. But if you don't, they reject you.
This is the operation of human love, and none of us know how to do anything else until we taste God's unconditional love that's not based on man's performance but is based only on God.
God loves you and accepts you because He decided to, not because of what you do or don't do. God desires to heal His people from past hurts caused by rejection.
God wants you to know He will never reject you.