Content & Satisfied @tag1>
What Are You Expecting? @tag2>

It seems there are very few people who are consistently content. I think it’s more common for people’s level of joy and satisfaction to go up and down, depending on their circumstances and what’s happening in the moment.
So, I want to ask: How content are you? Are you consistently enjoying your life?
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
In John 10:10 (AMP), Jesus tells us: “...I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”
It was such a revelation for me when I realized that God wants me to enjoy my life now, and not just barely get by, hanging on until I get to heaven.
It was also life-changing to realize that my joy and contentment don’t have to be based on my circumstances. With God’s help, I can learn “how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am” (Philippians 4:11 AMPC).
Developing an Attitude of Contentment
Being content doesn’t mean you’re not hoping and praying for changes in your life. But it does mean you can be satisfied and wait with a good attitude. It means you trust God enough that if He doesn’t give you what you want, He has your best interest at heart—and that He’ll give you something better than what you thought you wanted to begin with.
The world is full of problems and we all have times when things don’t go the way we planned. But it’s so wonderful when we get to the point where we can be happy even when we don’t get our way!
I’ve learned that since the world probably isn’t going to change, then I need to change my approach to my circumstances—I need to change my attitude and my expectations. And it was a great breakthrough for me when I discovered that God wants me to have great expectations of Him. He wants me to put all of my hope in Him and exercise my faith in Him to do great things in my life.
What Are You Expecting?
Ephesians 3:20 (AMP) says that God’s power working in us able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.
It’s so important for us to put our expectations in the right place—in God. I love these words: “superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think.” We serve an awesome God, and He wants us to believe for Him to do great things in us and through us.
So, what are you asking God to do for you? Do you believe He loves you unconditionally and He has great plans for you? Do you trust Him to take care of your needs and that everything He asks you to do is for your good?
We need to resist thinking that God can’t do something for us because of our weaknesses and faults. He isn’t expecting us to be perfect—He wants us to have faith in Him.
God wants us to put all of our hope and all of our expectations in Him. He wants us to trust Him to do what’s best for us in the way He chooses to do it. And He wants us to give Him the credit for the good things He does in our lives.
I think so many times, even without knowing it, we can place our expectations in people when we should be placing them in God. Now, it’s not wrong to put realistic expectations in the people we have relationships with, but no one is perfect, and people will disappoint us sometimes.
For instance, if I expect my husband, Dave, or my friends to keep me happy all of the time, I am setting myself up for disappointment! God is the only One Who can provide me with inner joy and satisfaction, regardless of my circumstances.
We need to look to God to provide what we need and what we want. This means trusting Him, no matter what other people do or what our circumstances look like. We can get rid of a lot of disappointment and discontentment by learning how to put our hope and expectation in God first and foremost.
God cares about you and everything that concerns you. And when you put your trust in Him, the Bible says you will never be disappointed (Romans 10:11).
I encourage you to begin placing all of your hopes and expectations in God. When life throws you a curve, run to Him for a boost of joy and strength. As you do, you’ll find there’s nothing that can prevent you from having a great life...from enjoying a life of true contentment and satisfaction.