Be a More Peaceful Believer @tag1>
7 Practical Steps to Increase Your Peace @tag2>

If you’re ready to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ—the Prince of Peace—then you can definitely find peace in your life.
Peace is actually part of the inheritance package that comes to us when we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. John 14:27 (ESV) says, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
At one time, I didn’t know what peace felt like. But His Word has led me to experience a lot more peace and joy in my life...and I’d love for you to experience it too.
Here are seven practical ways you can immediately increase your peace.
1. Search for peace. If you tend to lose your peace to worry or anger or getting stressed out, then make it a priority to learn how to find your peace in Jesus. First Peter 3:11 (AMP) explains what peace is and how we are to pursue it.
2. Take inventory of your time. Maybe you have way too much on your plate, and yet you keep saying yes to things that really don’t have to be on your calendar. God designed us to be fruitful, not busy. So, cut away the dead branches that are no longer bearing fruit (John 15:2).
3. Trust God. God cares about everything that concerns us—and He wants us to learn how to cast our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). As we hand everything over to Him, we enter His perfect peace.
4. Decide not to be a people pleaser. It’s impossible to keep all the people in your life happy all the time. Don’t try to please someone at the expense of displeasing or being disobedient to God. Live to please Him first.
5. Mind your own business. I’ve found out that the less I know about other people, the better off I am. Being nosy and spending energy trying to find out what others are doing is a roadblock to peace in your life (1 Thessalonians 4:11).
6. Let peace be the umpire of your life. If you have an important decision to make, don’t rush yourself; weigh it on the Word of God. Colossians 3:15 instructs us to use peace as a deciding factor in our decision-making process.
7. Do what you can to simplify. Sometimes it means you’ll need to go with the flow instead of creating an argument over something petty. Or, it might mean downsizing your “stuff.” Trying to take care of too much can just overwhelm and frustrate you.
Try putting these suggestions into practice, and see if it leads to a more peaceful, positive life. Remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and He can provide the tranquility you need…even in today’s busy world.