An Attitude of Gratitude @tag1>
Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude Is Something We Need to Do on Purpose @tag2>

Most people would agree that we have a lot to be thankful for. After all, many of us live a lifestyle full of conveniences...
- We live in comfortable homes, wear nice clothes, and have reliable transportation.
- We have no shortage of clean water or healthy food.
- We have access to quality healthcare and education, and basically live a good life with a lot of freedom, safety, and security.
While it’s easy to take these wonderful blessings for granted—and begin to focus on what we don’t have—millions of people around the world live without the basic necessities of life.
I’ll never forget the time one of our sons went on a weekend outreach with a team of people to help the homeless. It was obvious that the experience touched him deeply. He called me and said:
“If I ever complain again, please knock me down for being so stupid!”
After he saw how some people were living, he was appalled at how he had complained about small things in his own life.
Just think about it...
We can complain about trivial things like cleaning the house. However, those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean.
Or have you ever complained about the regular costs of maintaining your vehicle? I’m sure we’ve all had our day ruined by an unexpected repair. However, a person without transportation dreams about having a car to drive.
It is so easy to forget how blessed we are! That’s why maintaining an attitude of gratitude is something we need to do on purpose.
This “little thing” can make a big difference...
I want you to try something. As you go about your day, make a point to be grateful for the things you may otherwise not even notice.
For instance, I really like coffee. Sometimes I take a moment in the morning to thank God for this “little thing” that brings me joy and comfort.
Or how about the blessing of having hot water? It’s something we can easily take for granted, but it makes our lives so much better!
As you begin to thank God for the seemingly small things in your life, it will help you to focus on the positive and everything you do have. As result, you will also be much happier!
Invite God into everything you do...
One of the best things we can do throughout the day is praise God while we work.
No matter what you’re trying to build—your home, your marriage, your business, financial security, or even an exercise plan—you can worship God as you work.
At my conferences, I make sure to be in the service as soon as the praise and worship begins because I love to be in God's presence. In fact, before I speak to an audience, I make sure I have entered into praise and worship.
I want to fix my thoughts on God, thank Him for what He’s done in my life and for the words He’s giving me to speak, and I want to give Him praise for everything else He’s going to do.
We need to praise God because we love Him. It actually draws us closer to Him, which helps us hear the Word clearly, receive it, and hold on to it through faith.
This will help you to see more clearly...
Giving thanks throughout the day is simply a way to show God how grateful we are for who He is.
Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps us fully realize how He’s working in our lives, it gives us a new perspective—our mind is renewed, our attitude is improved, and we are filled with joy (Psalm 16:11).
I am truly amazed at how two people can have the exact same circumstances, however one person can be negative, dissatisfied and hopeless while the other is optimistic and full of joy!
Praise makes all of the difference. Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done for us lifts our burdens and causes us to see everything in a different light.
Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy…simply because God is good.