Preparing for the Unexpected Brings Peace @tag1>

Adapted from Mornings with God
Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always].
It is wise to leave some room for the unexpected as you prepare for each day. For years, one of my self-induced problems was that I didn’t leave space in my schedule for unexpected things. I planned activities with no time between commitments—a recipe for stress. I ended up rushed and impatient because people and situations disrupted “my” plan.
I was not fond of 10-minute intervals between commitments that didn’t leave me enough time to do anything worthwhile. I viewed them as wasted time until I realized I needed those moments to breathe, regroup, and organize my thoughts. Small chunks of downtime provide opportunities to thank God or just talk with Him about your day. If things are not going well, they may allow you to hear from Him about ways to be productive and make the most of the day.
If we leave no time between appointments and commitments, what happens when we get delayed in heavy traffic? What if we are delayed by a last-minute phone call we truly need to take? Unexpected events do arise. Sometimes they are positive, and sometimes they cause unwanted pressure. The simple act of preparing and planning for the unexpected can bring a great deal of peace into your world.
Prayer of the Day: Father God, please help me to be more diligent about preparing for unexpected events. I want to live and pursue Your peace, amen.