Hand of Hope in Panama @tag1>
Population: 3,608,431- ranks 130th worldwide
Literacy: 91%
Official Language: Spanish
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 77,082 sq. km. The narrowest point of the Central American isthmus, and bisected by the Panama Canal.
Book Translation
Thousands of Joyce’s books in Spanish have been distributed throughout Panama.
Medical/Dental Missions
- 2018: Our volunteers treated 2,376 patients; 725 people accepted Christ
- 2016: Our volunteers treated 2,320 patients; 820 received salvation
- 2012: Our volunteers treated 1,817 patients; over 800 people came to believe in Christ
- 2011: Our volunteers treated 3,234 patients; nearly 1,200 souls were saved.
Prison Ministry
2004: Prison teams ministered in 15 prisons, distributing 12,266 hygiene gift bags and one of Joyce’s books.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television shows are available in Spanish in select areas across the country. The radio program was previously available.