Hand of Hope in Laos @tag1>
Population: 6,803,699 - ranks 102nd worldwide
Literacy: 68%
Official Language: Lao
Religion: Buddhism is the predominant religion.
Geography: Area - 236,800 sq. km. Narrow landlocked country mainly between Thailand and Vietnam.
Book Translation
Seven of Joyce’s books have been translated and printed in Lao; over 50,000 have been distributed through outreaches.
Children's Homes
Hand of Hope has funded and operated children's homes in this country.
Disaster Relief
2024: Through our partnership with the Lighthouse Foundation, we served 16,000 meals to those affected by flooding throughout the country.
2011: Hand of Hope served thousands of families who suffered due to the massive flooding. Supply relief bags, which contained rice, tin fish, oil and vegetables along with Joyce’s book Tell Them I Love Them were provided to families. We worked with four churches to set up facilities in five locations for temporary housing, each of which had food, bedding and temporary shower and toilet facilities.
Feeding Programs
Hand of Hope serves over 100,000 meals yearly through our feeding programs in Laos.
Hand of Hope supported church plants throughout the country.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show has been available in Thai in select areas of Laos.
Water Relief
- Through our Water Relief program, Hand of Hope has provided 35 fresh water wells to villages; 15 included a church.
- 2013: Hand of Hope distributed 22 water filters to each of the feeding centers within local churches and the children’s homes so that all of the children in the feeding programs and homes have access to clean drinking water.
- 2012: In conjunction with Australian Christian Church International Relief, Hand of Hope has sponsored 10 water filters for medical clinics in Laos.