Hand of Hope in Japan @tag1>
Population: 127,103,388 - ranks 10th worldwide
Literacy: 100%
Official Language: Japanese
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 377,801 sq. km. Four large islands and 3,000 small islands.
Book Translation
Six of Joyce’s books have been translated into Japanese; over 130,000 distributed through outreaches.
Disaster Relief
- 2019: Hand of Hope partnered with Jesus Life House to help those affected from Cyclone Hagibis
- 2016: Hand of Hope partnered with Jesus Life House to help those affected by 7.0 earthquake Southern Japan
- 2013: Dozens of people were injured and homes damaged in eastern Japan as a tornado made its way through Koshigaya and Noda. Hand of Hope was able to provide funds for volunteer coordination, field leadership, disaster relief training and child trauma events.
- 2011: Hand of Hope partnered with Convoy of Hope, YWAM and Crash Japan to assist those affected by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and following tsunami that have wreaked havoc on the nation of Japan. Food, supplies, home starter kits, appliances and clean water were provided.
Hand of Hope partners with Jesus Lifehouse Tokyo
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in Japanese throughout the country of Japan.