Hand of Hope in Iraq

Hand of Hope
1 min read
Population: 32,585,692 - ranks 39th worldwide
Literacy: 40% 
Official Language: Arabic 
Religion: The government constitution proposes freedom of religious practices for non-Muslims.  
Geography: Area - 438,317 sq. km. Fertile plains of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, high mountains to the north and Syrian desert in the southwest.
Book Translation

Seven of Joyce’s books have been translated in Arabic and Kurdish; 100,000 copies have been distributed in the country.

Feeding Programs

Hand of Hope has served over 500,000 meals to refugees in this country.

Refugee Relief
During the war against ISIS, Hand of Hope provided relief to thousands of internally displaced people.  
Television and Radio

Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in Hindi in select areas of the country.  The show was previously available in Hebrew, Telugu, Tamil, Arabic, Kabyle and French.