Hand of Hope in India

Hand of Hope
5 min read

Population: 1,236,344,631 - ranks 2nd worldwide
Literacy: 67% 
Official Language: Hindi and English 
Religion: Freedom of religion 
Geography: Area - 3,166,000 sq. km. India dominates south Asia and the Indian Ocean.

Anti-Human Trafficking
  • Hand of Hope supports the Community Development Center near Mumbai.  The center is a place where girls and women escaping prostitution can come into a safe environment, receive counselling, spiritual guidance, academics, health care, food distribution, and childcare.
  • Hand of Hope had fully funded and operated the Prem Kiran Transformation Center near Mumbai, to provide women and children an escape from the sex trade industry and offered freedom in Christ. 
Book Translation 
Over thirty-five of Joyce's books have been translated and printed into 32 India languages. Over 10.5 million books have been distributed throughout India.

Children's Homes
Hand of Hope operates and funds 3 children's homes within India, with over 85 children receiving care.

Disaster Relief
  • 2020:  Hand of Hope provided food, supplies, water filters, blankets and more in response to Cyclone Amphan
  • 2019:  Hand of Hope provided clean up and support to families with school children whose homes were destroyed
  • 2018: Hand of Hope responded after severe flooding in Kerala, with emergency supplies, food and water to 1,000 families 
  • 2015: After weeks of the heaviest rainfall seen in 100 years flooded Chennai, Hand of Hope quickly responded to provide clean-up relief, food, blankets, and mats.
  • 2014: Cyclone Hudud hit the Andra Pradesh and Orissa states.  Hand of Hope partnering with a local church provided immediate relief to those in need by funding a small kitchen in Visakhapatnam serving those who lost their homes for a period of two weeks.  As well as the meals, blankets and packing materials were also distributed.    
  • 2013: When Cyclone Phailin, the strongest tropical storm to hit India in more than a decade, nearly 30 people died, more than 250,000 homes destroyed, and more than 750,000 people displaced. Hand of Hope dispatched 225 volunteers to work in four of the hardest hit districts. They helped clean up the destruction, as well as share the love of Christ through encouragement and copies of Joyce’s books, Rice, dal (a dried legume, such as lentils, beans or peas) and blankets were provided to 10,000 families. 
  • 2009: Hand of Hope partnered with other ministries to assist the people that needed shelter and immediate life-sustaining supplies after the flooding in the Guntur, Krishna, Kurnool and Mahabubnagar districts. 
  • 2007: Hand of Hope responded to severe flooding in Mumbai India to provide emergency supplies.  
  • 2004: Tsunami - Hand of Hope funded a building project to rebuild homes for tsunami victims. The project consisted of 410 new homes, completely restoring two entire villages in Cuddulore, India. 50 boats, including a motor and fishing nets, were given to fishermen whose boats were destroyed. The ministry also supported three Hand of Hope medical camps, providing care to hundreds each day. Thousands of tons of rice, dal (rice paste), sugar and tea have been distributed to the tsunami victims in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. 

Feeding Programs
Hand of Hope serves millions of meals yearly through our feeding programs in India.

Foreign Office 

Joyce Meyer Ministries operates a field office in India


International Conferences
  • 2017: Indian National Broadcast:  Aired 12 languages across India; over 1.2 million watched the broadcast
  • 2012: Festival of Life Asia Tour - over 42,000 attended; more than 6,900 received Christ at a meeting in Delhi.
  • 2010: Festival of Life in Kolkata - over 213,000 attended the three-day festival; over 59,800 received salvation. 
  • 2009: Festival of Life in Bangalore - nearly 1 million people attended the conference and over 511,000 souls were saved.
  • 2008: Festival of Life in Mumbai - over 1.4 million attended and more than 400,000 gave their lives to the Lord. 
  • 2004 and 2006: Joyce Meyer ministered in Hyderabad to crowds of hundreds of thousands. 
  • 1997 and 1999: Joyce holds some of her first meetings in Mumbai, India sharing the message and love of Jesus Christ.

Hospitals and Clinics

  • Children's AIDS Orphanage and Clinic which is equipped to treat medical needs of children with HIV/AIDS, as well as provide education, and a safe home.  
  • Two Mobile Medical Vans conduct 3-4 medical clinics each week, treating thousands of patients monthly in various remote locations.  
  • Chandrakahl Hospital - From 2006-2020 Hand of Hope funded a fully functional hospital in a remote village caring for thousands of outpatients and inpatients each year.


Short Term Outreaches

  • 2010 - 2,206 people were treated; 1,326 souls were saved.
  • 2009 - 1,707 patients were treated in conjunction with the Bangalore Festival of Life; 260 received Christ
  • 2008 - 1,408 patients were treated during the Mumbai Festival of Life; 1,154 received Christ
In conjunction with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Joyce Meyer Ministries helped fund ministry to lepers. We also partner with Embrace a Village to transform the lives of leper victims and their families.
Prison Ministry
  • 2018:  The India Medical Van visited 2 prisons; distributed 1,550 of Joyce's books along with medical care
  • 2006 - The prison team distributed 280 gift bags including one of Joyce's books
  • 2005 - The prison team distributed 310 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books to a women's prison in Hyderabad.
Residential School
A school opened in January 2006 in the city of Guntur and provides care and education for approximately 60 children.  All the children who live there are children who lost their parents in the Tsunami.  They receive housing, meals, clothing, an education and/or job training.  This school also offers daytime classes to local children.  There is an average of 1,000 daytime students a year. 
Shoe Distribution
  • 2012: Hand of Hope partnered with TOMS Shoes to provide new shoes to children in the slums of Hyderabad, India. 
  • 2013: Hand of Hope continued its partnership with TOMS Shoes to provide new shoes to children in India.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life is available on TV and Radio throughout the country in English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telegu, Urdu, and Punjabi.

Water Relief 

Through the Wells of Life program, Hand of Hope has provided 664 fresh drinking water wells to villages.  645 of these included a church, which serves the community.